Friday 3 February 2017


You may know this already but the first probiotic listed on Pro Bio 5 is called Bacillus coagulans. It is a lactic acid producing bacteria that represents a breakthrough in probiotic supplementation. (This is important!) This beneficial bacteria is dormant in the bottle THEN reverts to a growing bacteria in the intestines. Because of this, it resists being killed by stomach acid; in contrast, many (refrigerated) Lactobacillus probiotics lose most or all of their potency before use and do not survive their trip through the stomach. This is why Pro Bio 5 doesn't need to be refrigerated. If you go into any health food store, you will find probiotics on the store shelves and in the refrigerator. In the past, ALL probiotics had to remain refrigerated. However, about 7 or 8 years ago, a stabilization process was developed for probiotics, allowing them to maintain their potency at room temperature. 

REMEMBER, the bacteria has been freeze dried. That is how it is dormant until it reaches our intestines then it gets to work!

🎉Cheaper, better, more convenient. I travel for work a lot and take my Pro Bio 5 on all my trips! That would be impossible if I had to refrigerate it.

I've said Bye-Bye to my heartburn/GERT, which was always worse when I travelled between the airplane food and all of the restaurant eating I used to carry a bottle of antacids with me (and eat them like candy)

Say Adiós to Montezuma's revenge for anyone travelling to Mexico or heading to your favourite spicy Mexican restaurant!!
Pre Probio5 I would have at least one day of not feeling quite right in the tummy...not anymore since I take Probio5 regularly

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