Monday 13 February 2017

3 10-Minute Workouts for When You Can’t Get to the Gym

If it seems like there’s always something getting in the way of your next visit to the gym, that’s probably because there is—it’s called life!

We’ve got your back for those days when you just can’t blow off family, friends, or commitments in favor of a visit to the gym.

Do these 10-minute workouts instead. Each workout consists of a three-minute circuit you can repeat three times. PS, transitions and messing with your stopwatch, or smartphone timer, will eat up that extra minute.

Ready? Go!
The Office Workout
Probably best for those with a private office.
  • 30 seconds: Drop to a plank position on the floor—or if you’re just starting out, place your hands on something elevated like the edge of your desk. Lift one leg at a time, drawing each knee in toward your chest. Work up to doing this at a jog.
  • 60 seconds: Stay where you are and crank out some push-ups; you should be able to squeeze in 10 to 12 slow, controlled reps. No need to bend your knees; the higher you place your hands, the easier the exercise will be.
  • 30 seconds: Lie down (you may want to keep a fluffy towel or yoga mat on hand for this) and do 30 seconds of bicycle crunches. Bring your right elbow to your left knee and vice versa.
  • 60 seconds: Stand up and finish off the circuit with lunges, using the desk as support if you need it. Take a big step forward with one leg and bend both knees, dropping your hips straight down between your feet. Your front knee shouldn’t push forward any further than an imaginary line leading straight up from the big toe of that foot. If it does, stop and realign—this exercise takes some practice.
The Playground Workout
  • 30 seconds: Shuffle-step sideways around the perimeter of the playground; switch directions after 15 seconds. If there are kids around, you might just find yourself sucked into a fun game of follow the leader!
  • 45 seconds: Squats. Squat down as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your knees lined up over your toes, hips pushing back behind you. If this is too easy, crank out the squats quickly or add a jump as you power up and out of each squat.
  • 30 seconds: Jog over to the monkey bars but, instead of lifting your knees up in front of you, kick your heels up behind you, like you’re trying to kick yourself in the backside with every step. (Also called butt kicks.)
  • 45 seconds: Monkey bars. Swing yourself hand-over-hand from one end of the monkey bars to the other, just like the kids do. Go on it’s fun! It’s also a great back workout.
  • 30 seconds: Crank out some jumping jacks or, if you want to avoid that sort of high impact, choose one of the previous two cardio exercises to round out the circuit.
Now go back and do it again!
The Home Workout
  • 30 seconds: Get your heart pumping by jogging up and down the stairs—watch your step!
  • 60 seconds: Burpees time. Lean down and place your hands down to the floor, then kick your feet back into a push-up position. Now jump your feet back in and stand up to complete the first rep. Try to get in fifteen good burpees. If you need to rest, hang out in plank position.
  • 30 seconds: Step aerobics instructors call this an “up-up-down-down.” Step your right foot onto the bottom step of the stairs. Then your left foot. Then step down on right. Then your left. Go as fast as you safely can. Switch your leading foot about halfway through.
  • 60 seconds: Side lunges. Face the stairs, legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Bend your right knee. Keep you left leg straight as you squat down and to the side; make sure your right knee tracks over your right big toe. Press with your right leg to stand up, then repeat on the other side. Repeat as quickly as you can to maintain clean form and happy knees.

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