Friday 3 February 2017

10 Things that may signal that you have Adrenal Fatigue...


10 Things that may signal that you have Adrenal Fatigue...
Day after day, week after week, starting off with exhaustion and forcing yourself out of bed??

*Are you tired all the time but can't stay asleep?
*Afternoon crashes so you HAVE to nap?
*Can't fall asleep at night?
* Sugar and caffeine cravings, (have a hankering for a Coffee, Red Bull or Pepsi? It could be your adrenals)
* Dizziness when moving from sitting or lying to standing, it affects your blood pressure.
* Irritability or light headed between meals, a blood sugar and adrenal problem.
* Gastric ulcers, ulcers in the stomach can be caused by the adrenals, reflux or heartburn.
*Headaches, splitting headaches especially.

Balanced blood sugars is huge for allowing your adrenals to heal. When we need to decrease the stress in our body to bring it back to a healing state and the #1 stress on our bodies is blood sugar imbalance. Our adrenals send out cortisol when we're stressed and high levels of cortisol cause so many problems (interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease..) Regulating blood sugar is HUGE in healing the stress in our bodies! 

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