Friday 13 January 2017

All probiotics are the same .... aren't they ?!?

"But I got my probiotic at Costco, it’s the same right?” “But my doctor gave me a prescription for my probiotic, so it has to be more effective than your probiotic.” “But my probiotic needs to be refrigerated, so it must be better than your probiotic.”

I hear comments like this all the time. But I have one word for you…Chitosanase. It’s the difference between ProBio5 and other probiotics.
Most probiotics on the market today, promote a large quantity of probiotic strains. You’ve seen it – “50 billion strains per capsule!” or “14 billion good bacteria!” or “85 billion live cultures, GUARANTEED!”. But, like most things, it’s the quality, not the quantity that counts. And, none of the probiotics can be absorbed as thoroughly as ProBio5.
Why exactly? Well, yeast overgrowth actually INHIBITS the absorption of probiotics. When yeast multiplies in the gut, it forms a tough, protective cell wall called Chitin. This is what makes yeast overgrowth hard to kill. ProBio5 (unlike other probiotics) includes the enzyme, Chitoasanase, which breaks through that cell wall and effectively attacks the yeast overgrowth, so that the intestines can properly absorb the culture forming units.
The ProBio5 capsules are also specially formulated to dissolve when they reach the pH of your gut. Why is this important? Other probiotics dissolve in your stomach. Unfortunately, stomach acid will kill off a large percentage of the bacteria before it reaches your gut. ProBio5 ensures that 100% of live cultures and enzymes make their way to your gut – exactly where they need to be. 

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