Tuesday 20 December 2016

Tips for Eating Out During The Holidays

As lovely as it is to sit down to a home-cooked holiday meal, many people find themselves eating out more often during the holidays. As we fill our days with shopping, decorating, and planning, the convenience of takeout and restaurants is too obvious to ignore. Add to that the countless parties and events that are catered or hosted at restaurants, and we find that eating out is all too prevalent throughout the holiday season.
Luckily, all this eating out doesn’t have to be the downfall of your health (or weight). We’ve come up with a few tips that will help you continue to watch what you eat, even as you eat out more often during this festive time of year.

Drink water

This might be easier said than done, especially if you’ve got any lavish, open-bar parties on your agenda. However, drinking water won’t only be easier on your wallet; it will also save you a ton of calories. If you’re grabbing fast food in the middle of a busy shopping day, opt for water instead of a 32 oz Coke, and save yourself more than 350 calories. Skip the martini at the office party and you’ll have over 120 calories to spare.
Drinking your calories adds up fast, so drink water to help keep things under control. (Bonus: Drinking a glass of water before a meal can help you feel fuller, faster—meaning you’ll eat less overall. Double bonus: Add Plexus Slim to your water and drink it 15-30 minutes before you eat.)

Make pre-planned decisions

This is a little lifehack that can help you as you’re trying to watch what you eat during the holidays. Before you go out to a restaurant, look up the menu and decide exactly what you’re going to order. Also make decisions about what you’re going to drink, how much you’re going to eat, and whether or not you’ll get an appetizer or dessert.
If you’re going to a party, decide how many finger foods you’ll eat and how many drinks you’ll have. Maybe you could even set a time limit for yourself, e.g. “I won’t eat or drink anything after 7:30 p.m.”
Making these decisions ahead of time will help you avoid making rash (and unhealthy) decisions in the moment. If you really want to stick to your pre-planned decisions, share them with someone else and ask them to help you stay committed.

Portion control

You don’t have to avoid all those super delicious foods when you eat out, but you should at least practice some portion control. Don’t opt for larger sides at fast food restaurants; the regular size has more than enough calories anyway. When at a sit down restaurant, ask for a to-go box right from the beginning, and when they bring you your food, box up half of it right away. This will help you control how much you’re eating, even if you don’t want to worry about what you’re eating.

Healthier options

Many restaurants are well aware of the growing demand for healthier options on their menus. This is a very good thing when you’re trying to keep things in control during the holidays. When perusing your menu, look first to see if there is a “lighter option” menu at the restaurant. These are specially marked menus that are designed to offer lighter or healthier alternatives to the more mainstream options. Many of these menus often include a calorie count for each dish as well.
If you’re sticking to the “original” menu, try to at least choose healthier side options, like a vegetable or salad, instead of starchy or fried foods (french fries, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, etc.). If these side options aren’t specifically listed on the menu, it’s still worth asking your waiter or waitress if they’re available.
The holidays should be an enjoyable time, and you certainly don’t want to waste a chance to enjoy yourself by constantly worrying about what you should eat, how much you’ve eaten, or how much weight you’ve gained. Instead, follow these simple tips for eating out during the holidays, and keep your health (and your weight) in check, with minimal effort and maximum enjoyment.

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