Where's my #preggo moms at??? I know I have a ton!
This info is A M A Z I N G!
Where's my #preggo moms at??? I know I have a ton!
This info is A M A Z I N G!
Why might Plexus be a great supplement to take while pregnant???
1) Blood Sugar- Keeping blood sugar in check gets tricky during pregnancy and many women who aren't normally diabetic can still develop gestational diabetes, so good management of blood sugar levels becomes extra important while pregnant and Slim, with its impressively natural list of ingredients that help balance insulin levels, is tremendous for that!!
2) Energy- Pregnancy zaps energy, and most women don't feel comfortable drinking coffee or energy drinks to try and help with that because the caffeine, artificial colors, and artificial sweeteners are not good for baby. The ingredients in the three TriPlex products provide a safe, natural (and much-needed) boost of daytime energy for mommies-to-be, AND they assist with more restful sleep at night.
3) Constipation- During pregnancy, constipation can be terrible! ProBio5 and BioCleanse help eliminate it gently, and contain much safer ingredients than OTC or prescription laxatives.
4) Gut health- Now more than ever, it is urgent that modern women gain a better understanding of how their own gut health affects their bodies during pregnancy and affects their babies for a lifetime. There is long-lasting impact of passing on yeast/fungus/candida to your baby at birth.
And as for mama, did you know a woman is much more likely to have a yeast/fungus/candida overgrowth once she becomes pregnant? Many women get their first yeast infection of their life once they became pregnant. This is due to hormonal shifts happening in the body that make it easier for yeast to thrive. Even something like heartburn, which is also much more likely to happen to a woman when she's pregnant, can be the result of fungus overgrowth.
Baby’s first exposure to bacteria (good or bad) happens when he/she is traveling through the birth canal. If mama's gut is healthy, this exposure to the vaginal flora is such a beneficial thing for baby! In instances where mom ends up having to receive antibiotics for beta strep during delivery, or needs a C-section, baby's first exposure to beneficial bacteria is severely hindered. Further helping or hindering baby's developing microbiome is whether or not mom chooses to breastfeed. If/when this isn't an option, baby is losing still more opportunity to diversify a healthy microbiome by receiving mother's milk! When a mama chooses to heal and fortify her gut with ProBio5 during pregnancy and delivery, and while nursing, she is helping reduce overall fungus/Candida in hers and baby's system, helping keep the microbiome populated with probiotics, and taking an active stand against a cacophony of health issues for baby in the future! (Including, but not limited to: allergies, autoimmune symptoms, autism, asthma, and so much more!)
5) Nutrient Absorption- Poor gut health leads to gut permeability (aka: "leaky" gut") which, among many other problems, makes it more difficult for the body to absorb nutrients. Nutrient absorption is critical during pregnancy as the nutrients mom consumes are supporting her health as well as baby's growth and development. ProBio5 destroys harmful organisms in the gut and helps populate it with good bacteria, healing the GI tract, and vastly improving nutrient absorption. And the XFactor vitamin (with its powerful, patented blend of aloe) has been shown to increase nutrient absorption by over 400%!
**Many have asked me if Plexus is safe to use while pregnant. Our "Fab Four" (Slim, ProBio5, BioCleanse, and XFactor) is a DREAM COMBO for pregnant and nursing mommies. With Dr's approval Slim, ProBio5, BioCleanse, XFactor, and MegaX during pregnancyis a must! (I encourage you to show the labels to your doctor)
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.
#PlexusPregnancy (click here for further info)